Firm Promise
In designing our Atlanta DUI office around our client’s needs, Atlanta DUI lawyer, Scott Smith, makes certain promises to each and every Atlanta DUI client in every case:
- The DUI attorney will explain to our client the legal process in Atlanta and our client’s legal position;
- Our DUI attorney will listen to our client, paying close attention to what our client has to say;
- Our DUI attorney will express empathy, genuine interest and concern for our client;
- We will be candid in all financial dealings;
- We will keep our client informed and up to date on all matters concerning our client’s legal case;
- We will promptly return client phone calls;
- We will efficiently perform the work our DUI lawyer was hire to perform;
- We will ensure legal closure to our client’s Atlanta DUI case;
- We will provide personal attention to each of our clients; and
- We will go the distance.