Drive Out Tags

When you buy a new (or new to you!) car in Georgia, the seller will typically provide you with a temporary tag for you to put on the new car while you register the vehicle and wait for a permanent license plate. If you are stopped in Georgia with a temporary license plate and issued […]

What to expect during a DUI stop in Covington, GA

By: Attorney Alex Henson If you are suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol in Covington, GA you might be pulled over and investigated by police. What can you expect during a DUI stop? First, the officer might ask you if you’ve had anything to drink. You have the right to remain silent and […]

Self Defense In Georgia: Immunity Hearing

If you are charged with a crime in Georgia and believe you acted in self-defense, you are entitled to an immunity hearing. Your attorney will need to file a motion and request a hearing. O.C.G.A. 16-3-24.2 gives you this right to an immunity hearing. At this hearing, a judge will determine if you acted in […]

What is calendar call or a pretrial court date for a criminal case in DeKalb County?

If you are charged with committing a crime, there are many different hearings and/or court dates that you may have to attend. One of those is, what some jurisdictions refer to as, calendar call or pretrial hearing. What is calendar call or pretrial hearing? A calendar call and/or pretrial hearing is a court date where […]

What to expect during a DUI stop in Powder Springs, GA

By: Attorney Alex Henson If you are suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol in Powder Springs, GA you might be pulled over and investigated by police. What can you expect during a DUI stop? First, the officer might ask you if you’ve had anything to drink. You have the right to remain silent […]