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DUI Marijuana Arrest in Clayton County

In Clayton County, driving under the influence (DUI) of marijuana is illegal and is treated similarly to a DUI involving alcohol. Marijuana DUI laws are outlined in O.C.G.A. § 40-6-391, which makes it unlawful to drive or be in actual physical control of a vehicle while under the influence of any drug, including marijuana, that […]

Henry County Restitution Order Overturned on Appeal in December 2024

A criminal defendant pled guilty to one count of stalking and NOLO to one count of aggressive driving and one count of improper passing, as a result of a road rage incident in Henry County. As alleged by the State at the sentencing hearing, the defendant, an acquaintance of the victim, was waiting in the […]

Your Rights Against Illegal Search and Seizures

Interacting with police officers can be a stressful and unsettling experience, especially when you’re unsure of your rights. Many individuals, both in Dekalb County and across the country, often feel confused when questioned by police officers or when the police attempt to search their property or belongings. This uncertainty arises from a lack of knowledge […]

Statutory Rape in Fulton County

Statutory Rape in Fulton County is a serious crime in Georgia. O.C.G.A. § 16-6-3 defines Statutory Rape as engaging in sexual intercourse with any person under the age of 16 years old who is not your spouse. Statutory Rape requires corroboration and cannot stand solely on the unsupported testimony of the victim. In Georgia, it […]

Clayton County Pre-Trial Intervention and Diversion Program

The Clayton County Pre-Trial Intervention and Diversion Program (also known as PIDP) is a program offered in Clayton County to offer an alternative to the traditional prosecution process. The Clayton County PIDP purpose is to deter future criminal behavior, monitor offenders from arrest through final case disposition, minimize loss to victims through payment of restitution […]

Fulton Marijuana DUI

In Fulton County, driving under the influence (DUI) of marijuana is illegal and is treated similarly to a DUI involving alcohol. Marijuana DUI laws are outlined in O.C.G.A. § 40-6-391, which makes it unlawful to drive or be in actual physical control of a vehicle while under the influence of any drug, including marijuana, that […]

Milton DUI – Top Rated Milton DUI Attorney

Milton, Georgia is home to the Milton Municipal Court where the city prosecutes DUI, traffic, marijuana, and City Ordinance cases made by the Milton Police Department. Milton Municipal Court is located at 13690 GA-9, Milton, Georgia. One of the most common cases we see in Milton are DUIs (O.C.G.A. § 40-6-391). In Georgia, DUI can be charged […]

Aggravated Child Molestation in Douglas County

Aggravated Child Molestation is a serious crime in the State of Georgia. In fact, it is the worst crime that one can be accused of committing. It is imperative that you retain a qualified attorney immediately if you are being accused of aggravated child molestation in Douglas County. Many allegations of aggravated child molestation are […]