Statutory Rape in Fulton County

Statutory rape is defined in § 16-6-3 of the Georgia criminal code. The statute says that “a person commits statutory rape when he or she engages in sexual intercourse with any person who is under the age of 16 years and not his or her spouse”.

Many people wrongly believe that there is a defense to statutory rape if the victim is untruthful about their age and the accused believes that the victim older than 16. However, statutory rape is a strict liability offense, meaning that the belief of the accused does not matter. The only real defense is that sexual intercourse did not actually occur.

It is important to note that unsupported testimony of the victim is not enough to support a conviction for statutory rape. This means that a victim simply saying that they had sexual intercourse with the accused is not enough. There must be some other evidence proving that sexual intercourse actually occurred. This is where the defense may be found!

The punishments you could face if you are convicted of statutory rape range depending on the age of the accused and the victim. If the accused is over 21, they face 10-20 years in prison. If the victim is between 14 and 16 years old, and the accused is not yet 18 (and not more than 4 years older than the victim), a conviction would only result in a misdemeanor.

If you have been accused of statutory rape in Fulton County, it is important that you hire an attorney with experience in fighting these cases. Call the Law Office of Scott Smith today for a free consultation.