What do you do if you are arrested for child molestation in Georgia?

If you or a loved one is arrested for child molestation in Georgia, it is important that you act immediately to protect yourself. Do not wait until your court date to get an attorney and to preserve evidence. Do not think that just because you are innocent that the charges will be dismissed. Child molestation […]

Vehicular Homicide in Georgia

If you have been charged with vehicular homicide in Georgia and you were under the influence of prescription medication when you were driving you do have a unique defense available to you that many lawyers in Georgia will sometimes overlook.  For starters, Georgia law does not punish you for mistake or an accident.  Meaning, if […]

Georgia Criminal Street Gang Act – Fulton County

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis said last month that Fulton County has a “gang problem” and that her office is committed to prosecuting gang members to combat violent crime. DA Willis went on to say that there are at least 50,000 active gang members in the metro Atlanta area. So if the Fulton County […]

Civil Asset Forfeiture- Gwinnett Drug Cases

Civil asset forfeiture allows the government to confiscate property that they deem as having been used in criminal activity. Civil asset forfeiture does not require a conviction or criminal charges being taken out. In Georgia, civil asset forfeiture is a legal process, and it allows the government to seize your property that they claim is […]

What to expect during a DUI stop in Cartersville, GA

By: Attorney Alex Henson If you are suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol in Cartersville, GA you might be pulled over and investigated by police. What can you expect during a DUI stop? First, the officer might ask you if you’ve had anything to drink. You have the right to remain silent and […]