Georgia’s 90 Day Bond Rule
If you or a loved one have been arrested in Georgia, you may have heard about the 90-day bond rule but be confused about what this rule means.
O.C.G.A. §17-7-50 says that a person who is arrested must have their case indicted (formally charged) within 90 days or they are legally entitled to a bond. If prosecutors fail to meet this deadline, an accused person may file a motion for bond and the Court MUST grant them a bond. This rule does not tell a judge that a bond must be set at a certain amount, only that a bond must be set. So, even though a bond must be set if your case is not indicted within 90 days, the bond may be more than you can afford.
The 90-day bond rule is not automatically enforced, however. You must have a lawyer file a motion for bond and show the Court that 90 days have elapsed without indictment. If you believe that your loved one has been in custody without being indicted for over 90 days and without a bond, call us at 404-581-0999 for a free consultation.