VIDEO – Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus Test

You’ve been stopped for DUI and the officer asks you to follow their finger with your eyes? What is this horizontal gaze nystagmus field sobriety test? And can it even be passed? That is the subject of today’s Peach State Lawyer video blog. Hello, I’m attorney Scott Smith and today I’m standing in our mock […]

VIDEO – Testifying in Court in Your Georgia Criminal Case

Testifying in court can make even some of the most seasoned attorneys nervous. But what about people charged with crimes who want to express their innocence and have never testified in court before? Watch this video below and call our office with questions. Telling your story through testifying in court is about understanding the important pieces […]

VIDEO – Make Sure You Are Prepared to Attend Court in Georgia

What should I wear to court, how should I act when  I’m there, what if I am super nervous about attending court? You must be prepared to attend court. These are topics we will be discussing in today’s Peach State Lawyer video blog. Hey there, I’m Scott Smith from the Peach State Lawyer law firm talking […]

VIDEO – Atlanta, Georgia Theft by Shoplifting Charges – Dunwoody, Alpharetta, Kennesaw

I’ve received theft by shoplifting charges in Georgia, but my court notice says Dunwoody Municipal Court, what’s happening here? Hello, I’m attorney Scott Smith and I’m here today to talk with you about shoplifting charges. We see a lot of theft by shoplifting arrests in metro Atlanta due to the number of shopping malls in the […]

VIDEO – What Happens to Your Georgia Drivers License After You Are Arrested for DUI in Georgia

You’ve been arrested for DUI in Georgia. The officer has read you Georgia’s Implied Consent Notice, requesting a blood or breath test. What do you do? What happens if you refuse to take the State’s test? Can you get a permit to drive to work or school? What happens to your drivers license after DUI arrest […]