by Mary Agramonte A felony conviction on your record comes with many consequences. You served the time, but now you are finding more and more ways that your record is stopping you from getting to where you want to be. For example, convicted felons lose various civil and political rights. Felons cannot vote while they […] Walsh Walsh2016-11-18 07:25:312016-11-18 07:25:31Restoration of Rights and Pardons from the State of Georgia
Did you know that personal possession of less than one ounce of marijuana isn’t always classified as a misdemeanor under Georgia law? I’m Scott Smith and personal possession of marijuana is the subject of today’s video blog. The statutes that cover marijuana laws are in the official code of Georgia Title Sixteen Chapter Thirteen. This […] Walsh Walsh2016-11-09 10:00:322016-11-09 10:00:32VIDEO – Marijuana Possession in Georgia May be Treated as a Felony
by Scott Smith and Ryan Walsh You’ve agreed to take standardized field sobriety tests and the next thing you know you are raising your foot off the ground, trying to balance on one leg. What is this test? What is the officer looking for? Those questions are the subject of today’s Peach State Lawyer video […] Walsh Walsh2016-09-07 13:38:242016-09-07 13:38:24VIDEO – One Leg Stand Field Sobriety Test
Imagine a straight line in front of you. Put your left foot on that line. Place your right foot in front of your left foot with your left toe touching your right heel. Put your hands down by your sides and hold that position without moving. Hello, I’m attorney Scott Smith and today we’re talking about […] Walsh Walsh2016-09-07 11:01:272016-09-07 11:01:27VIDEO – Walk and Turn Field Sobriety Test
You’ve gone out with friends or family. You’ve had a few drinks and you’re driving home when you see the blue lights behind you. What do you do when stopped for DUI? That’s the topic of today’s Peach State Lawyer video blog. Hi, I’m Scott Smith and today we’re talking about what do you do when […] Walsh Walsh2016-09-01 15:04:002016-09-01 15:04:00VIDEO – What to Do When Stopped for DUI
Restoration of Rights and Pardons from the State of Georgia
/in Atlanta Domestic Violence, Atlanta Drug Crimes, Atlanta DUI, Atlanta Shoplifting, Atlanta Theft Crimes, Blog, DUI, Expungement, Georgia, Georgia DUI, Georgia Shoplifting, Kennesaw Shoplifting, Know the Law, Record Restriction /by Ryan Walshby Mary Agramonte A felony conviction on your record comes with many consequences. You served the time, but now you are finding more and more ways that your record is stopping you from getting to where you want to be. For example, convicted felons lose various civil and political rights. Felons cannot vote while they […]
VIDEO – Marijuana Possession in Georgia May be Treated as a Felony
/in Atlanta Drug Crimes, Blog, Criminal Law, Georgia, Marijuana Arrest /by Ryan WalshDid you know that personal possession of less than one ounce of marijuana isn’t always classified as a misdemeanor under Georgia law? I’m Scott Smith and personal possession of marijuana is the subject of today’s video blog. The statutes that cover marijuana laws are in the official code of Georgia Title Sixteen Chapter Thirteen. This […]
VIDEO – One Leg Stand Field Sobriety Test
/in Atlanta DUI, Blog, Criminal Law, DUI, Georgia, Georgia DUI, Know the Law, Video Blog /by Ryan Walshby Scott Smith and Ryan Walsh You’ve agreed to take standardized field sobriety tests and the next thing you know you are raising your foot off the ground, trying to balance on one leg. What is this test? What is the officer looking for? Those questions are the subject of today’s Peach State Lawyer video […]
VIDEO – Walk and Turn Field Sobriety Test
/in Atlanta DUI, Blog, Criminal Law, DUI, Field Sobriety Evaluations, Georgia, Georgia DUI, Know the Law, Video Blog /by Ryan WalshImagine a straight line in front of you. Put your left foot on that line. Place your right foot in front of your left foot with your left toe touching your right heel. Put your hands down by your sides and hold that position without moving. Hello, I’m attorney Scott Smith and today we’re talking about […]
VIDEO – What to Do When Stopped for DUI
/in Atlanta DUI, Blog, Criminal Law, Drivers License, DUI, Field Sobriety Evaluations, Georgia, Georgia DUI, Video Blog /by Ryan WalshYou’ve gone out with friends or family. You’ve had a few drinks and you’re driving home when you see the blue lights behind you. What do you do when stopped for DUI? That’s the topic of today’s Peach State Lawyer video blog. Hi, I’m Scott Smith and today we’re talking about what do you do when […]