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Theft by Taking Arrest in Georgia

In Georgia, a theft charge can encompass either misdemeanor or felony penalties, depending on the value of the goods or property in question. If you have been arrested for theft, you could be charged with any of the following: theft by taking, theft by deception, theft by conversion, theft by shoplifting, and so on. However, […]

Facial Recognition Software in Georgia Policing

Since 1956, law enforcement agencies have used video surveillance systems as a means of deterring, preventing, and prosecuting criminal acts. The miniaturization and decreasing cost of this technology now allows police departments across the United States to film suspects with hidden cameras.   But even more recently, facial recognition technology is being utilized in the […]

Theft by Shoplifting Charges in Rockdale County, Georgia

A shoplifting conviction is no small matter. It will negatively impact your ability to gain employment, apply for housing, and it will permanently remain on your criminal record. It is critical you contact an experienced attorney to investigate the facts, prepare legal challenges and defenses, and mitigate possible punishment. Our firm routinely handles shoplifting cases […]

Racing or Drag Racing Arrests and Citations in Atlanta, Georgia

Street racing is considered major traffic violation in Georgia. Throughout 2020, there was a significant increase in Street Racing and Laying Drag in Atlanta. In response, the Atlanta Police Department and Georgia State Patrol implemented a substantial coordinated effort to reduce street racing and laying drag on highways. According to the Atlanta Police Department, there […]

Laying Drag Arrests and Citations in Atlanta, Georgia

This past year saw a new illegal trend in Atlanta: Laying Drag. We saw it everywhere from local news coverage to live streamed social media posts of cars driven in a circular course while bystanders gathered to look on. In response to the increase in Laying Drag in Atlanta, the Atlanta Police Department and the […]

No Proof of Automobile Insurance in Georgia

Georgia law requires that drivers maintain minimum motor vehicle liability insurance. Additionally, drivers must carry proof of that insurance in their vehicle at all times. Georgia law does allow proof of insurance via electronic format or paper.   What is the Required Minimum Georgia Insurance Coverage? Bodily Injury Liability: $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident […]

Georgia Marijuana DUI

According to Georgia’s DUI statute as it relates to marijuana and other drugs, a person shall not drive or be in actual physical control of any moving vehicle while they are under the influence of any drug to the extent that it is less safe for the person to drive. O.C.G.A. 40-6-391. This means that […]