Traffic Tickets in the City of Atlanta

If you have been cited for a traffic violation in the Municipal Court of Atlanta, it is important to understand your options. Paying the fine without negotiating is an admission of guilt and could result in points being assessed on your driver’s license. Points can result in higher insurance rates and, if enough points are accumulated, a suspension of your driver’s license. For drivers under 21 years of age, 4 points will suspend your license. For drivers over 21 years of age, 15 points will suspend your license.

Hiring a lawyer to negotiate with the prosecutors can prevent points from being assessed to your license in a few ways:

  • Negotiating a dismissal of the charges
  • Negotiating a reduction to an offense that does not involve an assessment of points
  • Negotiating the use of a Nolo Contendre plea

If you have been cited for a traffic offense in the City of Atlanta, it is important to understand your options. Call our office at 404-581-0999 for a free consultation today.