
VIDEO – Everything You Need to Know about Your Georgia Criminal History Record

Do you have a Georgia criminal history? Do you know what it looks like? What will your prospective employer or landlord see if they run it? Georgia criminal history records are the topic of today’s Peach State Lawyer video blog.

Hello, I’m Scott Smith and today we’re talking about your Georgia criminal history record, and why it is important for you to know what the information your Georgia criminal history record contains.

Your criminal history is a specific document tied to your name, date of birth, and social security number. It contains arrest and final disposition information, including whether you’ve ever been incarcerated in a Georgia jail or prison.

Arrest data includes the arresting agency, date of arrest, and charges. Disposition information relates to the final resolution of the charges through the court process, whether it be through a dismissal, reduced charges, guilty pleas, or result after trial.

Your criminal history is maintained by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation through their Crime Information Center.

Your criminal history is reported in cycles, with each cycle representing a separate incident. A cycle is created when you are fingerprinted, typically following an arrest and being booked into jail. Some minor offenses such as city or county ordinances or minor misdemeanor offenses may not result in you being arrested and fingerprinted, and will not be shown on your criminal history.

Georgia Law allows anyone access to any felony conviction on your criminal history that has not been removed after successful completion of any conditional discharge or first offender program. For anyone, including a prospective employer or landlord to have access to your complete criminal history, they must have your consent through a signed authorization form.

If you have a charge that has been record restricted or expunged, that cycle should not appear on your Georgia Criminal History Record when requested by anyone besides a government agency.

Georgia Criminal History Records can be requested at Sheriff’s Offices and Police Stations throughout the state for Twenty dollars. To request a full copy of your Georgia Criminal History, you will need a driver’s license or photo ID, your social security number, and date of birth.

If you look at your criminal history record and see something you believe should have been restricted or expunged, call our office at 404-581-0999 to discuss potential restriction or expungement options. Our team of experienced Georgia criminal defense attorneys can assist you in determining whether the charge can be restricted or expunged during a free consultation. Thank you.