Peach State Lawyers Practice in DeKalb Recorders Court

If you’ve been pulled over or cited by a DeKalb County Police Officer, Sheriff, or Georgia State Patrol Trooper for any traffic violation including DUI; or have been cited for a DeKalb County code violation, you are due to appear in DeKalb County Recorders Court. Recorders Court is another name for traffic court. There is a solicitor. There is a judge. But cases in Recorders Court are not tried in front of a jury. DeKalb County Recorders Court is located at 3630 Camp Circle, Decatur, Georgia 30032. DeKalb County Recorders Court is not located in the same building as State and Superior Court. There is a fee to park around DeKalb County Recorders Court. It is at least $3, and must be paid in cash.


Court starts promptly at 8:30am, and you need to be there early to find out which courtroom you are assigned to. After you get through security, courtrooms are assigned by the first letter of your last name. You then enter your assigned courtroom and have a seat in the pews. Recorders courtrooms are extremely busy and it is not uncommon to see 150-250 people in each courtroom on any given day.


Like many municipal and traffic courts in the State of Georgia, solicitors handle private attorney cases first. Guilty pleas are handled after private attorney cases. The last cases handled in DeKalb County Recorders Court are unrepresented citizens looking to fight your case. There are no electronic devices allowed in DeKalb County Recorders Court.


Peach State Lawyers can go to DeKalb County Recorders Court on your behalf. We can negotiate with the solicitors to get your best possible options before asking you to waste your time in court to enter a plea. Then when you do decide how you want to handle your case, we can get you in and out of Court quickly and on with your day. If you are scheduled to appear in DeKalb County Recorders Court, please call us today at 404-581-0999 for a free consultation.